
Uncomprehensive Japanese custom

Japan govenment hand-in-hand with private sectors is running international campaigns "Visit Japan" with the aim of promoting to let over 10 millions foreigners to visit Japan till 2010. On the other hand, there are still so many Japanese custom that it's very hard for foreigners to understand. Then a survey company announced that it conducted a survey to some foreigners.

The most marked custom is "year-end gift-giving (Oseibo)" and "mid-year gift-giving (Ochugen)". Lately lots of Japanese already regard them as unnecessarity, but these are still ones of Japanese traditional events in a year. "Reticence/Modesty", second ranked, "Wabi-Sabi", tenth ranked are also typical Japanese thinking and those are so outstanding in the list. In fact, I cannot explain the meaning of "Wabi-Sabi" in English to foreigners. If you want to know the detail, please click this to check the meaning.

Frequent usage "Sumimasen (excuse me, sorry)" among Japanese is so conveniet phrase for Japanese people. Talking religiously, 4th ranked "Mame-maki (bean-scattering ceremony celebrating the coming of spring)", 13th ranked "Hatsu Moude (new year's visit to a shrine)" and 28th ranked "celebrating Christmas Day with buying cake" must be looked on as queer customs refrecting flexible behaviour to various religions.

Ranking as following :

RankItemNumber of answering
1.Oseibo, Ochugen319
5.Religious beliefs159
7.Taking off shoes141
8.Eating Natto138
9.Taking a bath92
11.Public bathhouse75
12.Tea celemony70
14.Eating noodle with noise62
16.Saying "Here's a little something for you." on present53
17.Appearance and Reality53
18.New Year Events47
19.New Year's monetary gift44
20.Behind-the-scenes work38

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