Japanese bet 3.5 millions yen on Bookmaker
The world's number-one horse race, Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe in France, will be hosted on October 1st, 2006. A looking Japanese bet £16,000 (3.5 millions JPY) on Deep Impact, the representative Japanese horse, in a British bookmaker He is the man in the news. The world's largest bookmaker, Ladbrokes in UK, took up this bet at 4:1 and it announced £16.000 was the highest record by cash. If the Deep Impact win the game, this Japanese will be able to get £80,000 including his bet. Ladbrokes says he was late 30s and looked businessman on the way of business trip. He brought cash to Ladbrokes's branch office located in the centre of London. He didn't speak anything at all and this is the first time to bet in UK. A lady supported him translated English to Japanese for him in the office. According to name written on the document, he seems Japanese, but Ladbrokes does not announce who he is at all. Odds in Ladbrokes got down to 3.5:1 on the point this bet was made. After then, odds keep on getting down, and now it's showing 2.75:1 and the Deep Impact was the second pick.
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